At the end of each week, I share the podcast episode I listened to that stood out among all the others. Here is this week’s selection for your listening pleasure!

Best podcast this week: Dallas Clayton on the Creative Mornings podcast

The best thing I heard this week was Dallas Clayton on the Creative Mornings podcast. This podcast is an offshoot of the live Creative Mornings meetings, which is free lecture series for the creatives held across the world. Dallas was invited to speak for the Chicago group’s meet up. Thankfully, they record these lectures and make them available for everyone to see/hear afterwards.

Dallas Clayton is a children’s author and illustrator. His message is always positive and inspirational. Dreaming big, showing compassion, loving each other, and staying positive are common themes in his work. His talk for this Creative Mornings podcast episode, entitled “Kid Lessons”, was a slam dunk as my favorite listen from the week. I loved it so much that I listened to it twice, and played it in the car for my kids to listen along with me the second time.

Best podcast this week: Dallas Clayton on the Creative Mornings podcast

During this lecture with the Creative Mornings crew, Dallas weaved a beautiful message of hope and encouragement. The talk is colorful, a bit sad at parts, and very funny. One thing it is not is dull. My kids were thoroughly entertained when we listened together in the car.   Using stories to illustrate his points, Dallas touched on the following topics:

  • The importance of having a dream.
  • How to maintain a child-like sense of wonder.
  • Using commonalities as a way of building a bridges with people you think you dislike.
  • Getting to know yourself and being that person instead of who you think you should be.

Best podcast this week: Dallas Clayton on the Creative Mornings podcast

The actual recording of the lecture starts around the 8 minute mark. Before that, there is a prologue where the host gives the background on Dallas and does a phone interview. It’s not bad, but the audio recording of the lecture is where it’s at. I also enjoyed the question and answer session he does with the Creative Mornings group, but be aware he does drop a couple f-bombs during that part in case you have young ears around.

I hope you can carve out 30 minutes to listen to “Kid Lessons”. I promise you will not be disappointed! If you do, please let me know what you thought about it. I am itching for more people to talk to about it. And, if you like more favorite podcast episode recommendations, see more of this series HERE.

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