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You might remember I declared my love for podcasts on THIS POST. Since then, I have added more to my list of favorites. I am still an avid & regular listener of:

But the thing with podcasts is that as you listen to one, you get introduced to others. Or, in my case, I hear an interview of a person that really resonates with me, and then I “search” to see what other podcasts might have interviewed the same person. And then, odds are, I will discover a new podcast I love!

Here are 3 new additions to my list of podcasts I am enjoying lately:


1. Happier with Gretchen Rubin. This is a newer podcast hosted by Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project (loved it), and the new book Better than Before (can’t wait to read it). Gretchen is very big on understanding habits and how we can get them to work for us to lead happier lives. As you know, I am huge on them as well as I posted about HERE. On this podcast, Gretchen is joined by her sister, Elizabeth, and the two of them go through a series of topics and practical tips for a happier life. They are intelligent and fun, yet totally relatable.

You will like this podcast if: You enjoy the magazine Real Simple. 

Episode I recommend:  March 4, 2015 – Getting More Sleep, Resisting Strong Temptations, and Why It’s OK To Be Boring



2. The James Altucher Show. I love James Altucher and his interview style. First of all, his caliber of guests is on par or better than Tim Ferriss, which I still love. He interviews authors, bloggers, entrepreneurs, and just overall interesting smart people. What I especially love about James is that he seems genuinely curious about the people he interviews. He also “double clicks” a lot, which means, he doesn’t just take the answers his guests give at face value. He asks them to explain and give more details in a way that I rarely have seen/heard in an interview.

You will like this podcast if: You like to listen to intelligent conversations between interesting people from different walks of life.

Episode I recommend: Episode 108 – Ryan Holiday Shares His Secrets of Success



3. Smart Creative Women with Monica Lee. I must say, this podcast is helping me fill in the void as I await Grace Bonney’s podcast, “After the Jump”, to come back from hiatus. Similar to the James Altucher Show, Smart Creative Women is an interview format show.  I always find interviews with creatives and entrepreneurs fascinating, and felt the void as I await “After the Jump” to return. Monica also interviews interesting creative women, so getting to know their stories better through the podcast is very enjoyable.

You would like this podcast if: You are in a creative field or an entrepreneur.

Episode I recommend: April 22, 2015 – Elle Luna: Choose Must



Elle Luna

In addition to discovering podcasts that I enjoy subscribing to, I really enjoy some of the individuals that I feel have “mentored” me in some way as guests on podcasts. If I love them on one, then I tend to want to hear more from them. If you come across any interview or article featuring these people, it is worth the time to stop and listen:

Elle Luna

Jon Acuff (if you know anyone graduating from college, you must get them his new book – phenomenal)

Seth Godin

Ramit Sethi

Noah Kagan

If you are in the mood for less autobiographical, self-development or business content and more in the mood for a storyline listen, then I do have two series I highly recommend. I finished the entire series of each within a week. The way these two series delivered their content is SO unique and well-done that you just can’t help but binge on every episode until they are done.


The first is Serial. Now, if you are already listening to podcasts, there is NO WAY you have not heard of this. It has been on the top podcast list for over a year now. But for those of you who have not yet ventured into the world of podcasts, Serial is a blockbuster. Serial is about a true-life murder case that is reopened after 20 years and re-investigated. I am a big scaredy-cat and was worried that it might be too much for me, but it wasn’t.

You will like this series if: You like to watch shows like Unsolved Mysteries.



The second one is Startup. It follows a veteran podcast producer as he decides to launch his own podcast company. He records himself throughout the entire process and produces a series unlike anything I have ever heard before. You follow him as he raises the capital, worries with his wife, finds a business partner, and launches his company. All in almost “real time” which makes you so invested in his success.

You will like this series if: You are curious about how people leave comfortable well-paying jobs and risk everything for the sake of their passion.

So the next time you are going for a walk, driving somewhere, or cleaning house use the opportunity to learn something new!

4 thoughts on “Podcasts I am Loving Lately

  1. Paola

    This is awesome, Ale! Thank you!! Would you please post the children’s stories app sites also…that you like the most…when you have a chance? I really trust, love & appreciate all of your recommendations! 🙂

    1. Ale Post author

      Hi Paola, we are just starting to dive into Children/Family podcasts. The one we have listened to a bunch & recommend is called “The Story Home”. I am still in the process of finding others we like. One that I piqued my interest is called “Brains On!” which is more science-based. Seems like it would be a cool way to learn interesting things together. I will let you know once we listen to a few.

  2. Pierina

    Thank you for your new of podcasts. I love TED RADIO HOUR, INVISIBILIA, SHRINK RAP RADIO. All of these podcasts make my walking hour enjoyable and more creative

    1. Ale Post author

      I agree, walking and listening to interesting podcasts is the best! I have heard a lot of people mention Invisibilia as a favorite. Will have to check it out 🙂

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